#beauty · #haul · Drugstore · Get ready with me · Hair · Hairstyles · March · Routine · Shopping · Sistertag · Trends · Uncategorized · What I got


Hey everyone I thought I would just write a quick fix to hair growing! I figure this is great as guys and girls can use my bizarre tips if you wish! 


I use a conditioning mask once a week. I do this because everyday conditioner will quickly coat your hair but a mask will rebuild your hair. This helps if your hair is shoulder length because the tips of your hair is at least a couple of years old! (Brush your hair like it’s gold).​ The two images below are the mask I use and me the day after my mask. My hair is looking pretty shinayyy. (sorry I started talking to my dog mid photo). 

2.  OPLEX 

I always bang on about this stuff but it makes your hair like ‘pristine condition’ once youve have had chemical treatment. If you have virgin hair don’t use this. It is for chemically treated hair only! Also take a look… 487 people seem to agree with me on this! Seriously I should get paid to promote this so oplex if your reading mate hook me up, free oplex for life! 


I know this is actually really disgusting and smelly. But as a matter of fact people onion makes your hair grow soooo good! Really not joking this tip is amazing from me! Get your onions out and be rubbing them on your head and eye brows. Boys if your losing your hair chop an onion in half and rub it on your scalp. Okay so I really haven’t tried this but take it as gospel as my brow technician told me and to be honest guys, she knows, SHE KNOWS!! I will be doing this tomorrow well maybe when I have been to Asda. Okay maybe just my eyebrows. Yeah I definitely won’t be doing this! 

Onions will also help with stopping grey hair! However please do wash your hair after your onion treatment. Ain’t no body want a smelly headed guy!  


This tip is from my sister. She has really long beautiful hair now but that hasn’t always been the case, she has had her hair struggles and found that sealing the tips of her hair with this oil has really helped the growth. Now she looks fire 🔥 people! What a babe! My sister is the blonde on the left sporting a black choker, with all her beautiful friends. #SQUADGOALS. 

So guys that’s the end of another lovely, compelling blog! Ope ya ave enjoyed ya selves mate. 


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